22 Juni 2010

Cold Fear PC Rip ( PC Game )

l English l Horror - Action - Adventure l PC Ubisoft l Size 260MB l

Survival horror game from publisher Ubisoft, developed by Darkworks. In Cold Fear, players step into the role of Tom Hansen, a U.S. Coast Guard who is sent to board a drifting Russian whaling ship in the middle of a howling storm on the Bering Sea, and there discovers that there is no safe place here. On this constantly rocking and shifting ship and a mysterious oil rig, you must turn the interactive surroundings to your advantage to take down human enemies – and enemies that aren't human any more - and save your own life.

System requirements:
Operating System : XP
Video Card : 128 MB
Ram : 512 MB RAM
CPU : 2 GHz

Download Disini:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

3 komentar:

  1. Maaf sahabat.. Saya dah unduh game cold fear ke 3 part na.. Saya bingung cara combine gmna.. Pakai hj split ga mau combine.. Saya buka pakai winrar.. Bisa gabung.. Tapi giliran instalasi bingung.. Tetep ga mau jalan jga.. Gmana caranya y kawan ? Mohon dijawab y.. Thanks.. N lewat email aj y.. thanks U so much.. seilnava@yahoo.co.id navaseil@gmail.com

  2. Terima kasih sudah berkunjung blog nista ini :D saya lupa dengan game ini coz lagi banyak maen game hentai :P btw hasil extraknya berupa file extensi apa? jika formatnya mdf, etc coba menggunakan virtual drive seperti daemon tool, atau ini tipe game portable yg langsung dimainkan tapa perlu instalasi.
